Pack your sunscreen, the Big Island Play System is ready and open for vacationers. This paradise-themed structure comes with many eye-catching sights that will astound even the harshest of skeptics. The Chain Climber, Pod Climber, and Inverted Arch Ladder will be a kid's entry point into this gigantic structure. The fun begins inside with different activities like the Gear Panel, Tic Tac Toe Panel, and Clock Panel that will endlessly entertain kindergartners to elementary schoolers. Like all play systems, the slides are the best part. This unit comes with two Wave Slides, a Spiral Slide, and a Double Slide; all are with materials that are made to prevent friction and withstand long bouts of play. Once a kid has glided to the bottom, the fun does not stop. Activities like the Single Drum, Bongos, Rain Wheel, Store Panel, and Ship’s Wheel will keep playtime fun and varied even on the ground. Make the Big Island Play Structure your home away from home.