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40 Benefits of Having a Pet

40 Benefits of Having a Pet - - Infographic

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Is there a beloved animal companion in your life? If yes, that’s wonderful! You are already experiencing many of the health benefits of owning a pet. If not, welcoming a pet into your life may be something to consider for your well-being and theirs. Plenty of research has shown the benefits of having a pet, from lowering blood pressure to encouraging us to move more, laugh more, and love more. Some of the benefits of owning a dog include more exercise, more exposure to nature, stronger immune systems, and happier hormones! Some of the benefits of owning a cat include stress relief, reduced stroke risk, and stimulated healing. There is no perfect dog breed or cat breed to enrich our health; all companion animals are capable of relieving stress, inspiring exercise, and easing loneliness. Pet therapy benefits people affected by Alzheimer’s, autism, PTSD, ADHD, depression, and more. The benefits go beyond just cats and dogs; rabbits, birds, and even fish have plenty to offer in terms of physical, cognitive, and emotional health. This infographic is a collection of research and quotes that celebrate the importance of pets. How has your pet made your life more fulfilling and whole?

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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