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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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The Pros and Cons of Playground Climbing Equipment

We want to provide you all of the information you need about playground climbing equipment prior to your online purchase. At AAA State of Play, not only do we want you to create a sturdy, safe, high-quality climbing playground, but we want to educate the consumer so that you have all of the facts before you buy and feel confident as you shop around our site. Choosing the right playground climbing structures can ensure the safety of the children using the climbing equipment as well as make your design for your playground attractive and loads of fun! Let's review some pros and cons about kids' climbing structures to consider prior to buying.


1.) Increased physical strength, balance and coordination: The addition of climbing playground equipment to your playground design means that children using the play area will be able to increase their balance and coordination, since climbing requires children to use many parts of their body simultaneously as they pull themselves up. Use of well-constructed climbing equipment will also strengthen the upper and lower body and help develop fine motor skills. Consider purchasing our overhead bars, parallel bars, climbing rings, triple horizontal bar, or net climbers to help facilitate these important developmental skills.

2.) Improved team-building, social skills, and body perception: Playground climbing equipment naturally facilitates cooperation between children of varying ages and skill levels. Climbing structures foster the development of important social skills, like taking turns and waiting. Additionally, climbing challenges help children to become more aware of how to coordinate their body movements within a space as they climb under, over, and through climbing structures.

3.) Increased confidence and self-satisfaction: Playing on playground climbing structures helps foster positive emotional growth through children's confidence and self-satisfaction. Playground equipment climbing exercises provide opportunities for children to challenge themselves and succeed, provided that the climbing challenges are not too hard or too easy. Upon successfully climbing to the top of one of AAA State of Play's playground climbing structures, children experience the exhilaration of success and the well-earned pride that comes with accomplishment. When shopping for climbing equipment, it is important to remember to vary the degree of challenge to better meet the needs of a variety of children at different ages and physical abilities.


1.) Increased possibility for falling: With any climbing activity, there is always the possibility for a child to lose their balance and fall. When purchasing a kids' climbing structure, always be sure to provide a soft playground surface to help minimize injury should a child take a tumble from playground climbing structures. AAA State of Play has a variety of soft, recycled, rubberized playground surfaces available to make your playground design even more safe and fun to be in.

2.) Possibility for entanglement: With the inclusion of rope ladders and climbing netting, there is the chance for a child to become entangled or have a limb stuck in one of the netting squares. When shopping for climbing playground equipment, be sure to buy equipment with holes that are large enough for children to remove arms, legs, and hands with no difficulty. Consider installing one of our Aztec Climbers or a Rock Wall, which provides evenly spaced slots or knobs from which a child can easily remove their hands and feet without the risk of getting stuck.

3.) Increased possibility for splinters and cuts: Wood and metal climbing equipment can fray and chip with age and use, which can increase the possibility for splinters and cuts. Consider buying AAA State of Play's plastic boulders and playground sculptures, tortoise climbers, or tunnel climbs to eliminate the possibility of paint chipping or splinters. If you want to purchase metal or wood climbing playground equipment, which often can be more challenging and better suited for older children, remember to regularly check the paint for chipping and rust.

All of AAA State of Play's climbing equipment comes with a one-year warranty to ensure that you get a safe, high-quality product.

Age-Appropriate Playground Design Guidelines

Universal Playgrounds: Integrating All Children Though Play

Playground Safety

Designing Safe Playgrounds

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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