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Choosing the Right Swing Set

What Is the Best Swing Set for Babies?

A high-back rotational molded infant seat is ideal for infants as young as 6 months. The extra-wide seat is designed to gravitationally correct when a child is swinging. High-back bucket swing seats are also an excellent choice, as they're designed to prevent children from squirming out of the seat while providing safe back support. Make sure that the swing set and swing seats meet the ASTM standards for commercial use.

What Is the Best Swing Set for Toddlers?

High-back bucket swing seats are suitable for toddlers ages 12 to 36 months old. Not only do they keep children secure and comfortable, but the high back provides ample room for pushing the swing. This type of seat is good for introducing children to swings who are not able to buckle seat belts yet. Tire swing gliders are great for preschool children, as they are low to the ground and can be used by multiple children, encouraging parallel and cooperative play.

What Is the Best Swing Set for Older Children?

As children get older, flat swing seats and belt swing seats are popular options that offer freedom, momentum, and excitement. Heavy-duty swing set posts can be a starting point to create space for inclusion and diversity; tire swings, adaptive swing seats, and inclusive swing seats can provide joy and enrichment for children of all abilities. Heavy-duty swing sets can stand up to a broader range of sizes, weights, and energy levels, too.

What Is the Best Swing Set for Small Yards?

Early childhood T-swings with bucket seats offer plenty of space for swinging while having a small footprint. They are suitable for children from 6 months to 5 years old. Swing sets that are built into a single playground structure can also be a good choice for home playgrounds.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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